Monday, March 14, 2011

Become a follower

Twinkle, twinkle to all my friends,
click on my your love never ends.
I don't scratch and I don't bite...(yeah right!!)
if you become a follower on my site!!!
So, don't be a lump on a log--
stop right now and go check out my blog!!!

Thank you for your support.
Here is Savannah and Ella adorned with their Flower Fabric headbands that Clarinda and Savannah made at our craft day. You can leave a message or email, if you are interested in that kit or any other kit on the website I even have a few extra if you would like to purchase one. Thank you all for your support!

Friday, March 11, 2011

From the Bible

This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all.~ 1 John 1:5, NLT

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do I?

Do I ?

Do I wear my heart upon my sleeve,
filled with love, while I grieve?
Many moments, others don't see,
a tear of loss, only shared by me.
Do I wear my heart upon my sleeve?
God is right here , what a silent relief!
He hear's, he listen's, and embraces me so,
He holds on strong and never lets go!
On my sleeve, I do wear my heart~
For God put it there right from the start.
It beats for him and it beats for me...
My heart is exactly where it suppose to be.
I someday will be able to share it with you,Until then...
Happy Valentine's Day
I love you
written by me Feb 14, 2011
posted on Dad's Carepage

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I so love the Mommy/daughter moment...totally genuine...
Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 7, 2011

Your Word

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.~ Psalm 119:105, NLT

Friday, March 4, 2011

UpComing Craft Day

Date: 3/12/2011
Time: 1pm-3pm
Location: My House (email/call for directions if needed)

Crafts are: Bowtie and Flower Headband
*Please let me know which crafts you are interested in making

Cash or checks made out to Dira Reeves